Many of you may be facing some serious home design issues. I know this because I've been in a LOT of houses in my day, and I've seen some downright scary situations. As a former interior designer, I'm begging you to keep reading this short post. It could change your life.
Did you know that what you surround yourself with (and who!) can really have an effect on your overall well-being. The walls of your home should not be a collection of dark, meaningless art you inherited from your grandma, your shelves shouldn't be full of what simply overflowed from your parents' attic, and you shouldn't still have what your roommate left behind when she moved out in 1996. Simply said: This kind of stuff is what is sucking the life out of your home.
Stop the insanity! Start with a fresh coat of paint, host a yard sale, and then start a Pinterest board with what lights YOU up. Find what speaks to YOU. Your walls should speak JOY and LIFE back into your life. It doesn't have to be expensive. It doesn't have to involve a decorator.
Your walls reflect back to you, they shine on you light the sun. Your wall space is limited, so choose carefully! Don't allow your home to haunt you.
Always remember: Let Your Walls Uplift YOU!!
